Monthly Archives: January 2020

Fun DIY Valentine’s Coffee Bar Decor

Happy New Year everyone! It’s been a few months since I posted something new on the blog. I was feeling inspired to make to make some cute valentine decor for my coffee bar. I by no means thought of this idea.  There are quite a few tutorials on YouTube.  I just had to try this myself and I am super happy with the results 💗🎂💗❤️
so far I’ve made a fake cake and a cute whipped topping for my Rae Dunn cup.
Here’s what you’ll need. Almost all the supplies are from the dollar store or Walmart

The important thing to remember is to use the lightweight Spackle as it’s the most similar consistency to frosting/icing.
the other thing is that any utensils, piping bags, knives, spoons, etc. can no longer be used for food once you’ve used them for you faux cake 🎂 

I also used a combination of real candy and beads and berries to decorate my cake

so all you really do is add some acrylic paint to the Spackle to get your desired colour. I then used a flat paint scraper I got at the dollar store to “ice” the cake. While the Spackle is still wet you can pipe on trim with another colour of Spackle using your piping bag.  I then pressed on some faux berries and sprinkled on some glitter and other candies on the top. You can press these on while it’s still wet. It dries pretty quickly.
I’m not terribly talented in the piping bag decorating but I think my cake has a cute “homemade” look 😆😊❤️🎂

For the whipped topping cup topper I traced the top of my cup and cut out a piece of cardboard. I then piped on some “faux whipped cream” Spackle and then sprinkled on some candy and glitter and pressed a paper straw that I cut off on the top. It dries in no time and it looks so cute!!💗🎂❤️🥰

That’s pretty much it! You can use all kinds of containers in different shapes and sizes to make different cakes 🎂 🍰🧁 to decorate your kitchen.   I got a kitchen aid mixer for Christmas so I may actually try to make a real cake 🤔 at some point but for now these are fun!
Happy crafting ❤️🎂❤️💗